

The right sequence to watch popular movie franchises – Part 1

Hollywood isn’t new to sequels, prequels, remakes, and spin-offs. There have been several movie franchises some with more than 20 movies. And that poses a problem with big franchises, sometimes you don’t know which movie to watch first, second and so on.

For those who haven’t seen these, here’s the right sequence to watch the most popular movie franchises, so that you can binge-watch without getting confused.

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The Funniest Women in Hollywood

It is considered a real talent to get people to laugh. It is a fact that the comedy world is mostly run by men and a large number of premier comics have men in the lead role. It has been like this for several decades now, however, things are changing. Women are taking over and they are coming in strong.

Here are the funniest women in Hollywood who are conquering the world of television and media with their jokes.

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