Creepy products on Amazon for sale
Just when you think you have seen it all, the world surprises you. And you don’t have to go too far these days, just log on to Amazon and you may find unthinkable products that will give you the creeps. Yes, Amazon doesn’t just end with electronics or clothing, they sell all sorts of weird and really creepy stuff as well. Some of you may find them odd but if you don’t, we’re not judging. Anyways, here is a list of creepy products on amazon for sale.
1. Pet Design Lick Brush

I don’t get why anyone would want to lick their pet, isn’t it supposed to be the other way round? The product says that it soothes you as well, by “licking” your cat is an oddly meditative practice, soothing for you and kitty. They promise that you would share a better bond with your cat.
2. GloBowl Motion-Activated Toilet Nightlight

So many questions come to my head when I see this. Why design something as weird as this? Isn’t there light in the bathroom anyway, so how would someone not be able to see or reach the bowl? Did the inventor of this product not know how to aim, that he had to create this. Also, how would you change the battery, because the batteries will run out eventually, and wouldn’t the batteries get damaged if washed thoroughly? Honestly, I don’t get it.
3. Quick Dude Shower Body Wipes

Well, for all those who avoid taking showers every day, this just might be the product for you. It’s surprising that people are finding ways to avoid a shower but creating quick body wipes. I think wiping your entire body would take up the same amount of time as taking a shower. Most importantly, if you plan to buy these, tell me how do you think you can wash your hair with these wipes?
4. A pimple-popping toy

Apparently, this is a stress-relieving toy. For all those who want to pop their pimples but don’t want marks on their face, this might be a very appealing product. The product is made of silicone that has natural pus that simulates the popping of a huge pimple. There are 16 ready-to-pop pimples. So pop away if you wish to, I can’t stand the sight of that gooey gel coming out, eww!
5. Talking Toilet Paper Spindle

Imagine this, that you can record your own message on a toilet paper spindle and this can be done over and over again. Record anything and everything, and spook people out when they pull the toilet paper. This easily fits most toilet paper holders; Includes an On/Off Switch. There are better places to prank people than on top of a toilet seat.
6. Boyfriend Body Pillow

Don’t have a boyfriend to cuddle with? Don’t worry, here is a solution for that. Just buy the boyfriend body pillow. It’s not as strong as a man but yeah you cuddle all night long without a thought. It’s like a virtual hug pillow that is ultra-soft fluffy. It also has an extended arm like a real man. I guess if you are getting too many left swipes on Tinder then you may buy this. Honestly, try a real boyfriend before you go for this pillow.
7. Infant circumcision trainer

Yes, you read that correctly, a doll to practice circumcision. Circumcision for many is considered as a form of mutilation when in fact people around the world consider it a religious custom as well as a benefit to personal hygiene. As scary as it sounds, it can just be performed in the blink of an eye, so yes people might just use this doll to practice it beforehand. Definitely weird. A word of advice, take professional help, it’s too sensitive a matter and your son won’t forgive you if your hand shook at the right time despite all the practice.
8. Bug Catcher Vacuum

Have bugs and don’t know how to get rid of them? This just might be a fast, simple, and clean solution that you need. Extremely lightweight, the BugZooka can be used from a distance, making sure that you avoid bug squish and splatter. This can be used anywhere, home, RV, cabin, boat, garden, and kids. Just a simple button does the trick.
9. 1500 Live Ladybugs

Now, why would anyone want to buy live ladybugs? Not only the live bugs but it also comes with an educational sheet, like Release Tips, Release Rates, Ladybug Fun Facts and FAQs. People might want to buy them for their gardens as they generally feed on slow-moving insects including Aphids, Moth eggs, Mites, Scales, Thrips, Leaf Hoppers, Mealybugs, Chinch Bugs, Asparagus Beetle larvae, Whitefly and others. I wonder how to they transport them. Personally, it sounds like one of the most creepy products on Amazon. I also find it to be very cruel to sell living things on a website, just like any other commodity.
10. Life-form Body Fat Replica with Magnet

Do you get cravings to eat junk? Well, put this magnet on your fridge to remind you what your insides will look like if you don’t choose a healthier path. This is a visual replica of 1 ounce of human fat. Kind of disgusting but it does the job.
11. Cat Butt Tissue Holder

Pulling tissues out of a cat’s butt, kind of funny I’d say. This will surely get loads of laughs and visitors to your powder room or office will love to grab a tissue from this quirky cat. A word of caution, some guests might find it very creepy and gross, so choose wisely.
12. LUNCH BUGS Zipper Sandwich Bags

Want people to stay away from your lunch? This just might be the perfect sandwich bag for you. All you need to do is just pack your meals in these Lunch Bugs, the sandwich bags with a supersized creepy-crawly printed right on them. That sure will keep people away, I just don’t understand how am I going to eat a sandwich coming out of that bag myself.
13. A phallic bottle opener

You are being totally uncool if you are thinking why would anyone want to buy this. This is a bottle opener, specially designed for bachelor parties. But then, imagine using this for a family barbeque and having to explain why you bought this. It’s obscene yet handy.
14. Balls Tail Warning Lights Bicycle Seat

Going on a ride? Need to make sure that people don’t crash into you during the dark? Just tie this on the back of your bicycle as a warning taillight, or on the backpack, or other objects. This is something that won’t go unnoticed, which is why it works well. Oh, I almost forgot, this is waterproof as well. Someone was nuts enough to have designed this.
That’s all for now folks! These are creepy products but some are really interesting. I might try a couple of them. Have you too noticed such creepy products on any of the online shopping websites? Which of these did you find the most interesting? Do let us know in the comments below if we missed anything. If you liked this one, then do might want to check out our Trivia section for more of such interesting articles.